This is Me…

My name is Tonya Deann Brady. I am a wife, mom, sister, daughter, aunt, and most importantly a follower of Christ. I am excited to share my passion for positivity in a world where things oftentimes seem negative.

My husband and I have two boys in college and a daughter in high school. We currently live in Springfield, MO. I say currently because I am always open to change and am not fully convinced that it’s not right around the corner.

I created this website as an outlet for sharing my experiences in life as both a wife and mother, a writer, and a Secondary English Educator.

I, like so many others, like to use writing as a way of observing and making the most of the world around me while trying not to lose sight of my purpose along the way. The bible says our most important goal in life is loving and praising God, leading others to Him, and bringing Him glory in everything we do. Although I fall short of this everyday, I am hoping by sharing my stories and some of yours, that together we will build each other up and be a bright spot in one another’s day while growing closer to the Lord in the process.

My prayer for us both is much happiness, an abundance of peace when things get tough, and a life filled with blessings that bring glory and honor to God.

Thank you for joining me! I’m excited to see where He leads… ~TDB