Author: tdb5talkdreambreathe


“We were the beggars now we’re royalty. We were the prisoners now we’re running free. We are forgiven, accepted redeemed by His grace. Let the house of the Lord sing praise.” Every time I hear the lyrics of this verse in Phil Wickham’s song, House of the Lord, I can’t help but smile. It is […]

Remembering to Rest

Original Post: August 9, 2021 This is the time of summer when I start feeling a bit anxious about what’s next. Summer camps have ended, bucket lists are filling up, the last big hooray has happened, and the schedule is already starting to fill up with upcoming to-do’s. The stores are putting out their fall […]

Keep Pushing

Don’t let someone else’s opinion keep you from pursuing your dreams. Know your value. Keep pressing forward. We’ve all heard the sayings, “what other people think of you is not your business,” and “If God has called you to it, He will lead you through it.” It sounds so cliche, but it is so true. […]

Camp Vibes

I have been reminded multiple times this summer of the joy and peace that comes from being submerged in the word of God and surrounding yourself with a community of like minded believers. Do you remember what that feels like? When we “grow up” we get so caught up in doing grown up things that […]